
Stage lights beaming down on stage

From regional theatre, to corporate gigs, from concert tours to Disney World, there’s so many ways you can apply a technical theatre degree.

Sign that says Backstage Entrance

剧院技术人员是娱乐业的伟大英雄. 他们设计和建造布景、灯光、索具、道具、音响、特效和服装. 没有他们,演员们将会穿着街头服装在黑暗、空旷的舞台上表演.

For more than 20 years, Alan Pickart教授一直在RIC的技术剧院项目中教授布景和灯光设计. 他还兼任RIC所有主舞台作品的技术总监.

他身上散发着60年代的气息,不仅仅是他的齐肩长发. Pickart is just chill. His office is like a meditation room, with a continuous track of ambient music, followed by white noise, playing in the background. 这位教授热爱他的工作,也热爱他的学生,他亲切地称他们为“孩子们”.”

Professor Alan Pickart

Technical theatre, he explains, 基本上所有的技术和设计元素都是用来创作戏剧作品的吗. 

他的“孩子们”在大一和大二的时候就开始做舞台管理, 与更有经验的初级和高级人员一起工作,他们现在已经成为合法的技术人员.

“It’s a mentoring kind of deal,” Pickart explains. “我们的目标是让高年级学生指导低年级学生.”

在这个行业中,技术人员是搭建布景、音响、灯光、道具和服装的专家. 他们的工作需要广泛的技能,这些技能很容易转移到其他行业. Stagehands function as their support staff. Typical tasks include loading and unloading trucks, 设备的搭建和拆卸,舞台元素的搭建.

Alan works at lighting board
Pickart designs lighting using lighting board
Alan works on rigging
Here he rigs curtains 15 feet off the ground

Then there’s the third, 更专业的角色——设计布景的设计师, sound, lighting and wardrobe. 皮卡特说:“在这个行业,劳动和创造力之间有明确的界限. 设计师向技术人员解释他们的特殊愿景,而技术人员必须弄清楚如何实现它.

“I’m happiest when I’m designing a show,” Pickart says. “The word ‘design’ can scare some people. I prefer to use the word ‘problem solving.’ A good designer is creative and good at problem solving.” 


Alan looks out on stage

Some designers, he says, function like engineers. 他以前的一个学生,02届的卡梅隆·怀特霍恩(Cameron whitehorn),是大都会歌剧院的生产工程主管. (See “The Wizard Behind the Curtain.)他的工作包括与布景设计师和导演一起制作自动化电气设备, 机械和液压系统,可以使固定件移动, scenery fly, stages rotate, etc.

In one production, the stage was transformed into an underwater world, 演员真的在半空中游泳(或看起来在游泳). 怀特霍恩是这一工程壮举背后的策划者:


“He’s a gut-level engineer,” says Pickart. “At RIC, I play the same role – on a lesser level to be sure. 我们不是合格的结构工程师,但我们所做的是工程. We’re not building bridges; we’re building weird, theatre stuff. 如果你有这种癖好——如果你喜欢弄清楚怎么做那样的事情, technical theatre may be your niche.”

根据皮卡特的说法,技术戏剧是一个非常有利可图的领域. 关键是要有一套能转化为最新技术的技能.

Whitehorne’s skill is automation engineering, 这是他在RIC的最后一年在Trinity Repertory公司工作时被介绍给他的. 这位前技术剧院导演鼓励了他的兴趣,他允许他在许多RIC作品中使用自动化.

另一位21岁的校友克里斯·格里芬(Chris Griffin)利用了他在视频映射方面的技能, which he learned as a technical theatre major, and is building a profitable freelance career out of it. Today he’s in high demand as a video and lighting technician. Griffin has toured with pop musicians, 与喜剧演员加布里埃尔·伊格莱西亚斯一起环游世界,目前正在与歌手兼吉他手约翰·梅尔一起巡演. 

Chris and Alan sit next to each other backstage
When he’s not working, 克里斯格里芬' 21(右)返回指导其他RIC学生,并帮助与RIC制作.

最有可能的是,你不会毕业后立即去大都会歌剧院工作,成为一名正式员工. Full-time work is a rarity in the world of theatre, 大多数的工作机会都是以自由职业者的形式出现在一个产品上. Yet the range of work is quite broad, says Pickart. From regional theatre to corporate gigs, from concert tours to Disney World, 娱乐业的各个领域都需要技术人员.

他表示:“当地的一些生产公司迫切希望向技术人员支付报酬。. “这些工作从每小时26美元起,涨到每小时45美元. A lighting programmer can make even more than that.” 

Pickart himself has a side hustle. He owns a small production company, RTW Associates LLC, that designs and produces entertainment events. One of his clients is Cox Communications.

He urges all RIC students, even those who are nonmajors, 去他的办公室了解更多关于专业的信息,或者了解更多关于他们如何参与制作后台的信息.

“Come talk to us and see what we’re up to,” he says. “你不必非得是技术戏剧专业的学生才能和我们一起工作. If you’re a full-time RIC student, 你可以为信用工作,或者你可以工作并获得拿撒利安中心的报酬,或者你可以做志愿者而不承诺任何事情. And by the way, we play hacky sack at the end of the day.”

Contact Professor Alan Pickart at apickart@chriswaldegar.com.

To learn more about RIC’s B.A. 在专注于设计/技术的剧院,请访问 Theatre Program website.